Books by Saneh Sangsuk (2)


La sombra blanca : retrato del artista canalla by Saneh Sangsuk ES

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Country: Asia / Thailand flag Thailand
Un auténtico descubrimiento. Una novela-monstruo, furiosa, fulgurante y venenosa, de un extraño lirismo, que pulveriza los clichés occidentales sobre Bangkok. Recluido en una cabaña en medio de ningún sitio, un hombre decide confesar. Acuciado por la urgencia, como si la muerte estuviera cercana, empieza a hablar. Pero lo que al principio parece una simple declaración amorosa, va transformándose a lo largo de las páginas en un terrible retorno al pasado. La sombra blanca es una novela autobiográfica en la que Saneh Sangsuk emprend... continue


The Understory by Saneh Sangsuk EN

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Country: Asia / Thailand flag Thailand
A novel of man's relationship with nature, power, and the vitality of storytelling, from beloved Thai author Saneh Sangsuk. The lovable, yarnspinning monk Luang Paw Tien, now in his nineties, is the last person in his village to bear witness to the power and plenitude of the jungle before agrarian and then capitalist life took over his community. Nightly, he entertains the children of his village with tales from his younger years: his long pilgrimage to India, his mother’s dreams of a more stable life through agriculture, his proud huntsman father who resisted those dreams, and his love, who l... continue